财新传媒 财新传媒



11月12日至13日,“联合国环境规划署金融行动机构(UNEP FI)2013年可持续金融全球峰会”在北京举办。本次峰会的主题为“融资我们想要的未来-中国、新兴市场以及全球经济”,会议邀请了来自全球政府机构、金融监管机构及金融机构及其他相关机构的400余名嘉宾,共同讨论金融与可持续发展议题。杨再平专职副会长应邀出席并担任演讲嘉宾。

11月12日,我陪同中国银监会王兆星副主席与联合国副秘书长、联合国环境规划署执行主任Achim Steiner先生举行会面,就当前国际及中国可持续金融的发展形势进行了深入探讨。随后,又带领招商银行、兴业银行、台州银行、龙江银行、云南省曲靖市商业银行五家金融机构代表与Achim Steiner先生进行了座谈,双方就可持续金融问题在中国的发展及协会在推动银行业可持续金融方面所作的工作进行了探讨。最后,Achim Steiner先生接受了《中国银行业》杂志的专访。




Part 1.


Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!Firstly, I would like to introduce myself and my organization. I’m Yang, Zaiping, Executive Vice President of China Banking Association. CBA is a national banking industry association and it has 4 main functions. First is self-discipline, mainly  piloting our members to provide good services to the society and to the public. Second is to protect our members rights. Third is to make coordination among our members as well as between our members and regulation authorities, other relative official agencies, consumers and publics. And the last one is to provide industry needed public services to members.





I think today’s round table session is very significant for our country because environment problem is a serious problem facing the whole globe, in particular, facing our country currently. Thus I think discussion of this subject happens at the right time. This subject of “financing the future we want”, I believe is an exact and significant subject. What is the future we want? The most important thing among thousands of important things is environment improvement and environment protection. In Chinese, there is a saying that is hard to be expressed in English “悠悠万事,唯此为大”。I think in order to improve environment, to protect environment and to make the environment more friendly is the most important thing. Finance such future,finance the environment we want, is the biggest challenge and also opportunity for China banking industry. And thus China banking industry is very positive in such fair. Last week, we had a very important conference in Fujian province. It’s a very high level conference and CBRC took the lead. The president of CBRC, Mr. Shang Fulin gave an important speech and 29 major banks signed a joint commitment of green credit and it is called “FUZHOU Commitment”. We keep a positive attitude and I believe everything is still at the beginning and many things have to be done. I hope UNEP FI could help us to do good and be well.




Part 2.

Question:What lessons have you learned and experiences to share?



Answer: Green finance means that we should refuse to finance programs not beneficial or even harmful to the environment. We should withdraw some programs harmful to the environment. On the other hand, we should actively finance programs that benefit environment improvement and environment protection, in particular, the advanced technology programs. But it is not easy to recognize which programs are beneficial to environment and which are not, especially hi-tech programs. Finance arrangements such as solutions and products might be more difficult. Totally speaking, to my understanding, challenges facing financial institutions are how to make our sustainable finance development sustainable. I think the essential problem and challenge may be how to balance social responsibilities and commercial opportunities. I think wise solution such as finance innovation and initiative is needed and is very significant to realize green credit and finance development more sustainable.



Part 3.
: What’s the way forward and what might collaboration look like?



Answer: Three dimensions should give power (给力). First of all, financial institutions should embrace environment risks into their comprehensive risk management. Financial institutions should also recognize and seize huge business opportunities. The second dimension is that regulations should give power. It is urgent to require and encourage the financial institutions to undertake responsibilities, and at the same time incorporate environment risk management into the comprehensive risk management. Regulators should also make some policies to forbid programs that are harmful to environment. The third dimension is that banking association should give power. 




Part 4.
Hard communication between sustainable finance team and customers is a big challenge and how to solve the problem?





Knowing your customer is very important. Getting acquainted with your community is essential for financing environment improvement. A good community public relationship is significant for sustainable finance.









416篇文章 8年前更新

